Thursday, August 6, 2009

SciFi is now SyFy WTF?

WHY did they change their logo?
Do they think a couple of letters will make them more attractive to a broader audience?
Or maybe, the "rebranding" will allow for more fantastical programming rather than the mostly science fiction heavy shows they have relied upon.

I vote for the latter. And with it comes the former.

Because now there's wrestling. WRESTLING?!?! on the formerly mostly intelligent network.

I try not to be an elitist. But good programming on TV has been mostly sucked into a black hole of crappy, trashy, trampy, manipulatively edited, and shamelessly pimped reality shows for the past near-decade. (Gee, thanks Survivor, for starting that stellar trend.) If I wanted something with intelligence, I'd have to resort to the handful of Discovery networks, if they weren't showing reruns again...and even they have jumped the reality bandwagon, albiet with more panache, credibility and real drama, John and Kate +8 being the obvious outlier there.

So I'd retreated to my small corner of a handful of shows like the now defunct Stargate SG-1 and Farscape, and the occasional newcomers like Sanctuary - with its cheesy effects and Star Trek like political subtleties, or The Dollhouse - a truly inspired idea, and Warehouse 13 which started off shaky, but the character interaction and mostly original ideas have securely sucked me in and Eureka whose quirkiness makes me giggle even when the world is in mortal peril. Fox has a couple of fun formulaic shows with Bones and House, which pretend to be intelligent at least. And just this season I've discovered Royal Pains on TBS, sort of intelligent, but mostly just fun.

And now, SciFi (I just can't bear to call it's like calling Candlestick Park by the name 3-Com Park, or Cal State Hayward...Cal State East Bay) has Ghost Hunters which is crap, seriously, it's worse than tabloid tv, and WRESTLING....WRESTLING!?!?!?!? REALLY???? Sure, there are some great new shows and events coming, but each time they pimp them they flash that idiotic new logo and then advertise their WRESTLING?!?! again.

Sigh. I guess someone hired those new suits right out of junior high to assist the programming and PR departments.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Brain Candy

I've been reading a lot of articles bashing entertainment like the Twilight series, or the new Wolverine movie, or the Fast and the Furious movie. Mostly though, the focus has been on the Twilight series.

This movie and the books are "brain candy". Just like the scary vampire movies. They are meant for entertainment.

Not every movie or book needs to be deep or match a specific formula. Sometimes mindless fluff is exactly what some people want. I don't want to go to the theater to be preached to, or be shown something miserable or to learn something, every time I go. Or in the case of horror flicks, have the S#!% scared out of me. It's not my thing. But someone likes it, right?

I am going to get a lot of crap for this but I thought Kristin Whats-her-name was a terrible actress in this movie, and the special effects were over the top and lame (Like Underworld 2) But I understand the appeal. Starcrossed lovers in peril...gasp! This idea has been a huge seller of women's novels since the early 1800's, so of course it's going to sell. After reading these books, some of my well educated and "well-read" (i.e. Tolstoy, Austen, Dickens, Shakespeare, Tim Robbins, Isaac Asimov, Palahniuk, etc) friends now read the "erotic" (gross, you don't sleep with your food!) vampire novels, and they know they're tripe and crap, but they still enjoy them because it's escapist. By the way, I did read the Twilight series, and while I appreciate why they are popular, I never thought they were anything special because they are formulaic ideas in a different setting.

So, judge if you want, but remember, a lot of people think scary or gory or even some action flicks are ridiculous and a waste of time and cellulose. Especially the ones with the screaming naked women that get slashed up. Or the naked women that are "token hotties". Or the ones with senseless violence offset with pithy humor. It's all junk food for the brain. Just in different flavors.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Remember when you were a kid and the idea of a nap made you run and hide?
I wish I could get all those lost sleep hours back.

In several countries in Europe and in Mexico (mostly because of the heat), an afternoon break is taken. I'm not talking a 30 or 60 minute lunch where you rush around doing errands, grab a fast food lunch and run back. I'm talking 90 minutes to two hours.

I could hang with that...snooze for an hour, wake up for 15 minutes, and still have 45 minutes to get something decent for lunch. I liked the idea so much that I've crammed it all into an hour. I set TWO alarms on my phone to wake me up. (I have a tendency to turn the first one off and then oversleep) I sleep for about 50 minutes in my car. Being short really helps. I have blankets and pillows, too! Then I go back upstairs, and eat my lunch.

My days are very long, especially when it's my week to have the girls. Get up at 4:15, shower, get ready for work, wake up the girls, feed the bunny, let the dog out then back in, get the girls into the car (hopefully by 5:10am at the latest) Drop them off in Livermore, drive to San Ramon by 6:00. Work a full day (get my nap) sometimes work later, commute to Livermore, pick up the girls, commute back to Tracy. Thaw dinner, help the girls with homework, cook dinner, eat dinner, do laundry, or other chores that are always waiting. If I'm lucky, one or both girls help with the cooking or cleanup. Make Richard's lunch. Get Amy in the shower. If it's not too late, play drums while waiting on laundry. Feed the bunny. Feed the dog. Feed the birds. Nag Kylie to feed and water Salazar. Several nights a week, I set up the gates and let the bunny have some fun in his play area. Sometimes I have the energy and the time to play drums. YAY. Get clothes out for Amy and me for work/school the next day. Make sure homework is finished and put away. Watch TV or play a game for a while. Rich comes home, discuss finances, what occurred that day, etc. Fall into bed exhausted, usually around 11:00pm.

(sidebar:) Rich is a sweetie. He does chores in the morning, too, so there's less to do. YAY! Plus we have a house cleaning service that comes in once a month for the heavier cleaning, so we only have to do the day to day stuff. Amy likes to help with laundry and swiffering and other stuff. Kylie has to be coerced, but she's usually reliable.

It's no wonder I'm so darn tired. I need to slee...zzzzz

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Working hard...

I am the other woman...
My friend Amy is married. But she also has a "wife" named Carol.
We fight over Carol.
Carol is candy.

Today we sent about 128 email messages (most only one line long) in less than 2 hours.

We talked about:
Twilight and why vampires suck (figuratively)
How they think I suck because they love Edward.
How Amy likes when Carol tortures her.
How Carol is HAWT.
How Sonic is nasty
How we give our collective Stinkeyes...or in Amy's case...Stinkfinger.
How they miss me and want to come see my new couch in Tracy.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Obama verbally attacked by Jackson...

Rev Jesse Jackson recently made some remarks to Obama while unknowingly still miked. They were so bad, they evidently couldn't even be put into writing for the news. They had to do with Rev Jackson verbally lashing Obama over the presidential candidate's remarks to the men of the US to take responsibility for their families. The reader comments to the ABC news article online zigzagged from staunch support for Obama regardless of Jackson's remarks to a peppering of Jackson supporters, and a slew of Anti-Obama-ists that said he couldn't stand firm on any issue.

Any politician that speaks in absolutes scares the hell out of me. There are rarely ever absolutes in life or government. I expect my leaders to be flexible. They are supposed to do what the MAJORITY of the country's citizens want them to do. If it's not clear what the majority wants, then they won't take a stand. I get crap for saying that all the time, but I firmly believe it. That's why pot and gay marriages are legal in CA...because the majority of the people wanted it.

I agree with Obama. He opines that the government should only function so much and that the people should take personal responsibility. AMEN!!! I'm tired of everything and everyone blaming something or someone else for hardship. While occasionally, others' actions affect us, we are responsible for our government, our lives, and our nation. Jackson's remarks show that Obama is doing what he thinks is right, that he's not a puppet to his advisors, and that he thinks on his own...I wonder if he'll ever use a non-word like "strategery" in a sentence when speaking without a guess is no.That being said, I vote based not on party, but on how close that candidate comes to my personal ideals. So far, I have yet to hear Obama suggest slow genocide by exporting cigarettes, or sing a song about bombing Iran. I found both to be distasteful and put me off. Additionally, we as a nation desperately need change. We are powerful but arrogant and horribly disliked by many nations. If we elect McCain, how much of that will actually change?

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

19 1/4 inches!?!?

My wrap last Tuesday was phenominal!

Janelle wrapped me up good and tight and away I went, boing boing boing...on the jogging trampoline.

My thighs burned.
My abs ached.
My ass complained.

And then, when I was unwrapped, I had lost 19 1/4 inches.

It was like getting a new toy. I was sooooooooooooooooo happy!

Janelle, YOU ROCK!!!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

More wrappage

I've been twice already. And I'm in my size 9 pants with a lil' extra room!

Stuff is lifted and less jiggledy wiggledy. WOOT!!!
I've done a few commercials for the station about them. I'm so excited about how well they work. I feel all cleaned out and I FOUND MY WAISTLINE!!!!

I made a movie list on a poster for the lovely ladies that wrap me up. They are so cool. They are friendly, and don't look at my lardy parts with a sneer even though they are all slim and pretty. They spend a lot of time reading off the titles of movies for their clients, so I made them a big poster with the titles on it so they didn't have to do that anymore.

I go back again on's a LOT of hard work in an hour, but the results are worth it. I work it really hard, but you don't have to. You can go moderate and still get the inches off. But I don't like doing it half-assed. Besides, then I don't have to go to the gym for 2 days. YAY!